ProductNameKfa=Kaspersky Free
ProductNameKis=Kaspersky Internet Security
ProductNameKav=Kaspersky Anti-Virus
ProductNamePure=Kaspersky Total Security
ProductNameSaas=Kaspersky Security Cloud
ProductNameKsosPc=Kaspersky Small Office Security
ProductNameKsosFs=Kaspersky Small Office Security
ProductNameKes=Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
StageLoading=Loading the application...
StageAnalizing=Receiving information about the operating system...
ProtectionOn=Protection is enabled
ProtectionOff=Protection is disabled
ProtectionPending=Loading protection
Copyright=© 2021 AO Kaspersky Lab
ShowNetworkMonitor=Network Monitor
ShowVirtualKeyboard=On-Screen Keyboard
ShowTaskManager=Task Manager
SafeMoney=Safe Money: open website
EnableParentalControl=Enable Parental Control
DisableParentalControl=Disable Parental Control
DisablePolicy=Disable policy
EnablePolicy=Enable policy
NoTasks=List is empty
WriteDump=Write dump
ShowSendTroublesDialog=Support Tools
Update=Run database update
Reboot=Restart the computer
DisableProtection=Pause protection...
EnableProtection=Resume protection
BecomeDefaultSecurityApplication=Resume protection
StartFullScan=Full Scan
StartQuickScan=Quick Scan
StartCriticalScan=Critical Areas Scan
NetRuntimeIsAbsent=Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 runtime must be installed to run this program.
CannotInitFramework=Failed to initialize Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or higher. Please try to reinstall it.
CurrentTimeIsNotValid=Invalid system time. Try to adjust the system time.
EnvironmentVariablesNotValid=The required environment variables are not defined.
NotifyEulaNotAccepted=You must accept the End User License Agreement
DbReleaseDate=Databases release date:
SilentUpdateInProgress=The application is being updated...
News=Unread news available...
SilentUpdateInfo=Update details
SilentUpdateCancel=Cancel update
Scan_My_Computer=Full Scan %d%%
Scan_Startup=Quick Scan %d%%
Scan_Qscan=Background scan %d%%
Scan_QuickScan=Selective Scan %d%%
AdBlockerMenuItem=Add to Anti-Banner
SecureDesktopCheckPassword=Do not prompt for confirmation during the next:
SecureDesktopCheckPasswordNone=Not selected
SecureDesktopCheckPassword5Minutes=5 minutes
SecureDesktopCheckPassword10Minutes=10 minutes
SecureDesktopCheckPassword15Minutes=15 minutes
SecureDesktopCheckPassword30Minutes=30 minutes
ActivateReserveCode=<a>Activate with new activation code</a>
PasswordTitle=Enter password:
SecureDesktopMessageEditSettings=Are you sure that you want to change the settings?
SecureDesktopMessageUnsafeAction=Your confirmation is required to continue
SecureDesktopMessageAlertEditSettings=Your confirmation is required to perform the selected action. We need to know that the action is requested by you and not a malicious process.
SecureDesktopMessageEnablePC=Are you sure that you want to enable Parental Control?
SecureDesktopMessageDisablePC=Are you sure that you want to disable Parental Control?
SecureDesktopMessageSyncTimeZonePC=Please confirm updating the Parental Control settings
SecureDesktopMessageRemoveKey=Are you sure that you want to delete the active license key? Computer protection will be disabled.
SecureDesktopMessageRemoveKeyExpired=Are you sure that you want to delete the license key?
SecureDesktopMessageRemoveAllKeys=Are you sure that you want to delete the license key? Computer protection will be disabled. The previously entered new activation code will also be deleted.
SecureDesktopMessageRemovePreinstalledKey=Are you sure that you want to delete the preset activation code?
SecureDesktopMessageRemovePreinstalledPassword=Are you sure that you want to delete the preset activation password?
SecureDesktopMessageRemoveKeyReserved=Are you sure that you want to delete the new activation code?
SecureDesktopMessageUcpChangeUser=Are you sure that you want to change the account? Computer protection will be disabled until you log in under another account.
SecureDesktopMessageSelectAction=Your confirmation is required to perform the selected action. We need to know that the action is requested by you and not a malicious process.
SecureDesktopMessageExitKsosPc=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Small Office Security?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKsosFs=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Small Office Security?
SecureDesktopMessageExitPure=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Total Security?
SecureDesktopMessageExitSaas=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Security Cloud?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKis=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Internet Security?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKav=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Anti-Virus?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKfa=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Free?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKsm=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Fraud Prevention for Endpoints?
SecureDesktopMessageExitKes=Are you sure that you want to exit Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows?
SecureDesktopMessagePauseProtection=Are you sure that you want\nto pause protection?
SecureDesktopMessageReduceProtectionNote=This action will reduce the protection of your computer.
SecureDesktopMessageResumeProtection=Your confirmation is required to resume protection.
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKsosPc=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Small Office Security?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKsosFs=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Small Office Security?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallPure=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Total Security?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallSaas=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Security Cloud?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKis=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKav=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Anti-Virus?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKfa=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Free?
SecureDesktopMessageUninstallKes=Are you sure that you want to uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows?
SecureDesktopMessageDownGradeToFreeAction=Confirm switching to Kaspersky Free
SecureDesktopMessageDownGradeToKavAction=Confirm switching to Kaspersky Anti-Virus
SecureDesktopMessageDownGradeToKisAction=Confirm switching to Kaspersky Internet Security
SecureDesktopMessageDownGradeAction=Confirm switching
SecureDesktopMessageIgnoreInvalidCertificate=Detected connection to an insecure web resource:
SecureDesktopMessageIgnoreCustomRootCertificate=Your confirmation is required to continue
SecureDesktopMessageAvzRequiresElevation=Your confirmation is required to continue.
SecureDesktopMessageChangingBackupTaskConfirmation=Your confirmation is required to continue
SelectClientAuthenticationCertificateHeader=Select a certificate for authentication
PinClientAuthenticationCertificateHeader=Enter PIN
InvalidPasswordTitle=Incorrect password
InvalidPasswordText=Please try to enter the password one more time
InvalidLoginOrPasswordTitle=Incorrect user name or password, or insufficient rights to perform this operation
InvalidLoginOrPasswordText=Please check if the user name and the password are correct and if you have enough rights to perform this task.
ShowSystemMonitor=Application Activity
UpdateProgress=Update %d%%
RollbackProgress=Rolling back to the previous database version
RebootTitle=Installation is almost complete
RebootThanksKav=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
RebootThanksKis=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Internet Security.
RebootThanksPure=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Total Security.
RebootThanksSaas=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Security Cloud.
RebootThanksKsosPc=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Small Office Security.
RebootThanksKsosFs=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Small Office Security.
RebootThanksKfa=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Free.
RebootThanksKes=Thank you for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
RebootHint=You must restart the computer to complete installation. Verify that you have saved your data and closed all applications before restarting.
UpdateFailureTitle=Updating %s could not be completed due to an error
UpdateFailureDescription=Contact Technical Support.
UpdateFailureSupportService=Technical Support
ServiceConnectionFailed=An error has occurred when connecting to the service.\nThis may be caused by an authentication error.\nDisable Self-Defense if you want the application to connect to the service without authentication.
CannotInit=Failed to initialize the application. Please try to reboot the computer.



ShouldHideProductNameOnSplashScreen = '0'
ExcludeParentalControl = '0'


NotEnoughMemoryError=Insufficient memory to perform the operation. Close all unused applications and retry.


BlockShutdownWhileActiveDisinfection=Warning! Advanced Disinfection is in progress. Please do not turn off or restart your computer.
BlockShutdownWhileTotalForceUpgrade=Warning! The application version is being upgraded. Please do not turn off or restart your computer.
BlockShutdownWhileUpdateProduct=Warning! The application is being updated. Please do not turn off or restart your computer.
BlockShutdownWhileMigrating=Warning! The operating mode of the application is being switched. Please do not turn off or restart your computer.

ResetSettingsApproveRequest=Your confirmation is required to import settings.\nWarning! Current settings will be permanently overwritten and could not be rolled back.
ImportApproveRequest=Your confirmation is required to import settings.\nWarning! Current settings will be permanently overwritten and could not be rolled back.
ExportApproveRequest=Your confirmation is required to export settings.

AuthMethodLabel=Authorization method:
UserPassword=User name and password
TempPassword=Temporary password
LoginLabel=User name:
LoginNote=Default value of the user name: KLAdmin.
LogoText=This operation requires confirmation.

ProtectionSafeMode=Computer is running in safe mode
KeyTrialExpired=Trial license has expired
KeyLicenseDeleted=Application is not activated
TasksMalfunction=Could not enable some protection components
KeyBlocked=License key blocked
KeyExpired=License expired
SubscriptionExpired=Subscription has expired. Updates of databases and application modules are unavailable. Please renew subscription.
KeySuspended=Subscription is suspended
NoKeys=Application is not activated
KeyInvalid=License problem
ThreatsNeedReboot=Computer reboot is required
ThreatsMalwareUntreated=Malicious software detected
ProtectionNotRunning=Protection is not running
BasesVeryOld=Databases are extremely out of date
CriticalUpdateNeedConfirmation=Confirmation needed to install update
UpdateNeedConfirmation=Confirmation needed to install update
UpdateNeedReboot=A restart is needed after the update
KeyAboutExpiration=License is about to expire
ProtectionDisabled=Protection is disabled
HighRiskTasksNotRunning=Some protection components are not running
HighRiskTasksDisabled=Some protection components are disabled
TasksDisabled=Some protection components are disabled
ThreatsRiskwareUntreated=Legitimate software that can be used to harm your computer or personal data was detected
BasesCorrupted=Databases are corrupted
BasesOld=Databases are out of date
PreinstalledCodeActivationProblem=Failed to activate the application automatically with an activation code
PreinstalledCodeWaitActivationCritical=Waiting for automatic activation of the application with an activation code
PreinstalledCodeWaitActivationInfo=Waiting for automatic activation of the application with an activation code
KeyWaitReservedActivationCritical=Waiting for automatic activation of the application with a reserve activation code
KeyWaitReservedActivationInfo=Waiting for automatic activation of the application with a reserve activation code
KeyWaitReservedActivation=Waiting for automatic activation of the application with a reserve activation code
KeyBlackListGracePeriod=License key is found on denylist
KeyGracePeriod=Subscription has expired. Updates of databases and application modules will be disabled
KeyWillBeExpired=License expires soon
KeyInvalidReserveCode=Invalid reserve activation code
TasksNotRunning=Some protection components are not running
ProductNotAutoRun=Application autorun is disabled
ProductNotProtected=Self-Defense is disabled
UpdateNotAuto=Automatic updates are disabled
KeyUpdateFailed=Subscription status is outdated and needs to be refreshed
KeyTrial=Trial version of the application is installed
NotAllComponentsAreUpdated=Not all components were updated
ProductEndOfSupport=The installed application version is no longer supported
ProductNoEula=Please accept the License agreement

Task_Scan_My_Computer=Full Scan
Task_Scan_Objects=Selective Scan
Task_Scan_Startup=Quick Scan
Task_Rollback=Rollback of databases to their previous version
Task_IntegrityCheck=Integrity check
Task_Active_Disinfect=Advanced Disinfection
Task_Scan_Removable_Drive=Removable drives scan
NoTasks=List is empty

eInsufficientResources=Not enough system resources to run the application
eNotFound=Executable file not found
eAccessDenied=Access denied to file: %s
eInvalidType=Unknown file type
eOutOfMemory=Not enough memory to run the application
Error_Not_Running=Kaspersky Internet Security is not running. To run an application in safe mode, start Kaspersky Internet Security
eUnexpected=Unexpected error: 0x%x, %d
Confirm_Quarantine=Are you sure that you want to move %d file(s) to Quarantine?
; не делайте следующие строки слишком длинными - это элементы контекстного меню
FileAdvisor=Check reputation in KSN
ShellMenu_Quarantine=Move to &Quarantine
ShellMenu_Scan=Scan for &viruses